Travel Kathryn Lindsay Travel Kathryn Lindsay

Two Weeks To Go.

Almost Scotland time! Now that I have 13 days left - can you tell I’m excited? - I wanted to share a few things that I do to prepare when a trip is just on the horizon.

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Kathryn Lindsay Kathryn Lindsay

When I’m Stressed.

Sometimes, I try to make myself feel better - aka more relaxed, not like a “completely in control of their emotions” person.

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Life Kathryn Lindsay Life Kathryn Lindsay

My “New Normal” Routine (Ew.)

Does anyone else absolutely LOATHE the phrase “the new normal,” as much as I do? As much as I hate it, I’ve started to develop a semblance of a daily routine.

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Life Kathryn Lindsay Life Kathryn Lindsay

Boston during COVID-19

I know the whole world is feeling the effects of COVID-19, and wanted to share what it’s currently like here in Boston. It’s September 2020, and the city has been slowly getting busier.

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Travel Kathryn Lindsay Travel Kathryn Lindsay

Dealing with Wanderlust at Home

I’m not sure how you’ve been spending your pandemic summer, but I’m typically in my room for about 22 hours a day. It sounds ridiculous, but I literally only leave my bedroom to use the toilet and feed myself.

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Life Kathryn Lindsay Life Kathryn Lindsay

Summer 2020 Favorites

I honestly don’t know where this summer has gone. Between work and COVID-19, I feel like no time has passed at all, yet it’s September 1st.

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London Kathryn Lindsay London Kathryn Lindsay

Lunch Cruise w/ London Shell Co.

I went on a lunchtime seafood cruise in Central London, hosted by London Shell Co. on a lovely canal boat moored in Paddington.

Where the heck did I find this? Airbnb. Yeah, that’s right, I said Airbnb.

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Life Kathryn Lindsay Life Kathryn Lindsay

Starting Anew

So here I am. Starting a new blog, a new way for me to put myself out there, even though it’s utterly terrifying. My hope is to engage with people going through some of the same things I am (as a late-20’s single lady) and also to just share my thoughts on anything and everything.

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