How to survive a road trip with your best friend

Going on a road trip with your best friend, that’s the epitome of friendship goals, right? Well, buckle up because surviving this adventure is going to be one wild ride. Picture this: you and your BFF cruising down the highway, wind in your hair, and the open road stretching out before you. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? And it can be, as long as you follow some unwritten (until now) rules of the ultimate road trip survival guide. 

In 2022, my friend and I went on a trip to Iceland, and spent six days driving around the south part of the Ring Road. It was honestly incredible, but it was a new experience for us, since we really hadn’t done any sort of trip together before, let alone one that required as much driving as this did. So. I thought I’d share some things we talked about and some other things I observed throughout that experience.

First things first, let's talk about the playlist. You know, the backbone of any road trip. Now, I won't claim that our music tastes always align perfectly. There might be some questionable song choices that make you question your friend's sanity... But, it's all part of the experience, right? Embrace the diversity, and maybe throw in a guilty pleasure or two just to keep things interesting. Most of my playlist for this was 70s and 80s pop or rock hits, with some random things sprinkled in. Remember, nothing bonds friends more than belting out off-key renditions of classic hits together. It also helps when your friend harmonizes as well as mine does!

Let's address the art of compromise. You might want to stop at every quirky roadside attraction you see, while your friend might be on a mission to reach the destination ASAP. Or the opposite! It's all about finding that sweet spot between exploration and efficiency. Maybe you agree to stop at the world's largest ball of yarn, but only if you can make it a quick photo op. Compromise, is the key to any successful road trip partnership, or most partnerships if I’m honest.

Oh, snacks. You can't forget about the snacks. Road trips are practically synonymous with junk food indulgence, but why not balance it out a bit? Sure, pick up some cheesy puffs and sugary treats, but throw in some fruit too. Your stomach will thank you later when you're not in a food coma halfway through the trip, and driving with an upset tummy from too much junk won’t make you the best copilot. 

Lastly, let's talk about navigation. GPS is a wonderful invention, but it can also lead to some heated debates about the best route. Instead of arguing over whose Google Maps app is more accurate, why not take turns navigating? One person drives while the other one guides. We didn’t really have many problems navigating in Iceland, it was pretty straightforward, but definitely make an agreement to watch your speed, speeding fines are pretty hefty there. 

So there you have it, some unofficial, yet surprisingly effective, tips to surviving a road trip with your best friend. Embrace the chaos, savor the moments, and remember, it's not just about the destination; it's about the crazy, unforgettable journey you take together. Safe travels, and may your friendship come out of this road trip stronger than ever!


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