Navigating the Other Side: Driving in the UK

Let’s talk about driving on the ‘wrong’ side of the road.

I had an amazing but also terrifying experience of driving on the other side of the road in the absolutely stunning Lake District this past May. As an American accustomed to driving on the right, I knew this would be a wild ride, literally. I drove around 300-ish miles and thought I’d offer some tips and tricks for mastering left-side driving that I learned through trial and (some) error.

1. Prepare Mentally:

Before I even landed in Scotland, I mentally prepared myself for the switch. I kept repeating "left side, left side" over and over and over, hoping it would be ingrained in my mind by the time I got behind the wheel.

Splurged a little bit on a Mercedes A Class :)

2. Choose an Automatic Car:

To make the transition smoother, I opted for an automatic rental car. This way, I could focus on the road without worrying about shifting gears with my left hand. I did get slightly suckered into upgrading when I was at the rental place (to a MERCEDES) but it worked out since it had GPS and was still fairly small.

3. Drive Slow and Steady:

At first, I drove cautiously and at a slower pace, giving myself time to adjust to the opposite side. Good thing, since I curbed almost immediately after leaving the rental lot. Going full ‘granny’ driving style allowed me to feel more in control.

4. Stay Left and Look Right:

It's essential to remember to keep to the left side of the road. To be extra careful, I made sure to glance both ways at intersections and roundabouts, double-checking for oncoming traffic.

5. Follow the Traffic:

When possible, I found it helpful to follow the flow of local drivers. Staying behind other vehicles allowed me to observe their movements and adapt my driving accordingly.

6. Mind the Roundabouts:

Roundabouts in the UK can be intimidating, but they are manageable with a bit of practice. I kept an eye on the road signs, indicating which lane to use and the appropriate exit. I looked up how roundabouts in the UK worked on YouTube before my trip, and it was extremely helpful!

Absolutely dying to drive one of these beauties.

7. Use GPS:

A reliable GPS navigation system became my best friend, especially when I lost cell service and it somehow still worked. It provided clear directions, easing my concerns about missing turns or getting lost.

8. Avoid Peak Traffic Hours:

If possible, I avoided driving during peak traffic hours when the roads were busiest. This allowed me to navigate the Lake District's scenic routes with fewer distractions.

9. Stay Relaxed and Enjoy the Views:

When I felt a little more comfortable with left-side driving, I was able to relax and take in the breathtaking views of the Lake District. STUNNING scenery, truly. I’ll be making a post about that trip soon.

10. Take Breaks and Rest:

Driving on the opposite side can be mentally exhausting, so I took fairly regular breaks to stretch my legs and get my mind focused.

Obligatory ‘holding something’ shot

So, driving on the other side of the road in the UK was a challenge that I totally took on and only failed a tiny bit at. While it may seem daunting at first, with a bit of preparation and practice, it really does become an unforgettable experience. So, my dudes, if you find yourself in the UK (or a lot of other places, tbh), don't let left-side driving scare you away. Embrace the adventure and see the beautiful countryside.

Stay safe, look both ways, and always top up on gas (or petrol).

Happy driving! 🚗🏞️


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